关于「 a16z」的内容列表

 A16Z: If the SEC provides guidance on token issuance, it could prevent the transfer of ownership of U.S.-developed blockchain technology overseas

"If the Securities Exchange Commission can provide guidance on token offerings, it will stop the trend of tokens being issued only to non-US citizens - which is effectively transferring ownership of US-developed blockchain technology overseas," A16z said at a cryptocurrency working group meeting with Securities Exchange Commission Commissioner Hester Peirce.

2025-03-22 13:42:39

a16z在美国证券交易委员会专员Hester Peirce的加密货币工作组会议上表示:“如果美国证券交易委员会能够提供代币发行方面的指导,那么将阻止代币仅向非美国公民发行的趋势——这种趋势实际上是将美国开发的区块链技术的所有权转移到海外。”

2025-03-22 13:42:39
A16z crypto general counsel: SEC's current regulatory approach is not working

The Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) recently hosted its first Crypto Working Group Roundtable at its Washington headquarters to discuss what has long been a central question - what makes an asset a security. The meeting marks a significant change in the SEC's approach to regulating the cryptocurrency industry, with what some crypto advocates have dubbed "regulation by law enforcement" likely to be coming to an end. A16z crypto general counsel Miles Jennings said...

2025-03-21 21:34:31
a16z crypto总法律顾问:SEC当前的监管方式并不奏效

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)近日在其华盛顿总部举办了首届加密工作组圆桌会议,讨论了长期以来的核心问题——什么使某种资产成为证券。此次会议标志着 SEC 对加密货币行业的监管方式发生了显著变化,此前多年被一些加密倡导者称为“通过执法进行监管”的模式可能即将结束。 a16z crypto 总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 表示...

2025-03-21 21:34:31
Miles Jennings to succeed Brian Quintenz as head of crypto policy at a16z

Chris Dixon, managing partner of a16z crypto, announced on the X platform that Miles Jennings, the agency's former general counsel, will replace Brian Quintenz as head of a16z crypto policy. Previously, it was reported that Trump plans to appoint Brian Quintenz as chairperson of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

2025-03-18 17:00:10
Miles Jennings将接替Brian Quintenz担任a16z crypto政策主管

a16z crypto 管理合伙人 Chris Dixon 在 X 平台发文宣布,该机构原总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 将接替 Brian Quintenz 担任 a16z crypto 政策主管。 此前消息,特朗普计划任命 Brian Quintenz 担任美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席。

2025-03-18 17:00:10
Workflow protocol developer Halliday completes $20 million Series A financing, led by a16z crypto

According to TheBlock, workflow protocol developer Halliday completed a $20 million Series A financing round, led by a16zcrypto. Avalanche BlizzardFund, Credibly Neutral, AltLayer and other angel investors participated.

2025-03-18 13:09:24
工作流协议开发商Halliday完成2000万美元A轮融资,a16z crypto领投

据TheBlock报道,工作流协议开发商Halliday完成2000万美元A轮融资,a16zcrypto领投。Avalanche BlizzardFund、Credibly Neutral、AltLayer和其余天使投资人参投。

2025-03-18 13:09:24
A16z-supported Web3 game Champions Ascension announces temporary server shutdown

According to an official announcement, Web3 game Champions Ascension announced that its servers will be temporarily shut down as the development team shifts its focus to REACH Labs. The shutdown, which includes the Champions Ascension server and related features such as Imperial Expeditions and Dudo, took effect last Friday. The technology developed for REACH Labs is expected to play a key role in shaping the future of Champions Ascension, the announcement said, although a specific timeline for ...

2025-03-18 02:22:28
a16z支持的Web3链游Champions Ascension宣布暂时关闭服务器

据官方公告,Web3链游Champions Ascension宣布其服务器将暂时关闭,因为开发团队将重点转向REACH Labs。此次关闭包括Champions Ascension服务器以及Imperial Expeditions和Dudo等相关功能,于上周五生效。 公告称,为REACH Labs开发的技术预计将在塑造Champions Ascension的未来方面发挥关键作用,尽管尚未提供其回归的具体时间表。尽管游戏暂时暂停,但团队已确认仍将发放KEYS奖励。据介绍,REACH Labs是一家新的web3游戏发行商...

2025-03-18 02:22:28
Surveillance technology company Flock Safety raises $275 million from A16z

Atlanta-based surveillance technology company Flock Safety closed a $275 million funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz (A16z), valuing the company at $7.50 billion. Participating in the round also included Greenoaks Capital and Bedrock Capital. So far, FlockSafety has accumulated more than $950 million in financing. The company plans to develop a U.S.-made drone in 2025 and build a 100,000-square-foot manufacturing plant in Georgia. The company focuses on providing artificial intelligence-bas...

2025-03-14 05:16:15
监控技术公司Flock Safety获A16z领投2.75亿美元融资

总部位于亚特兰大的监控技术公司Flock Safety完成了由Andreessen Horowitz(A16z)领投的2.75亿美元融资,公司估值达到75亿美元。参与此轮投资的还包括Greenoaks Capital和Bedrock Capital。 至此,FlockSafety累计融资额已超过9.5亿美元。公司计划于2025年开发美国本土制造的无人机,并在佐治亚州建设一座面积10万平方英尺的制造工厂。该公司专注于提供基于人工智能的安全监控解决方案...

2025-03-14 05:16:15
nunu.ai completed a $6 million seed round, led by TIRTA Ventures and a16z speedrun

According to nunu.ai, the company has completed a $6 million seed round led by TIRTA Ventures and a16z speedrun, with participation from Factorial Funds, Y Combinator, Earthling, Hartmann Capital, FOV Ventures and New Renaissance Ventures. nunu.ai focuses on the intersection of artificial intelligence, games and robotics, and is committed to building the first AI agent that can test and play games, so as to promote the intelligent development of the game industry.

2025-03-13 02:27:20
nunu.ai完成600万美元种子轮融资,TIRTA Ventures与a16z speedrun领投

据nunu.ai 官方消息,该公司已完成600万美元种子轮融资,由TIRTA Ventures 和 a16z speedrun 共同领投,其他参投方包括 Factorial Funds、Y Combinator、Earthling、Hartmann Capital、FOV Ventures 和 New Renaissance Ventures。 nunu.ai 专注于人工智能、游戏与机器人技术的交叉领域,致力于构建首个能够测试和游玩游戏的AI智能体,推动游戏产业的智能化发展。

2025-03-13 02:27:20
The first roundtable of the SEC Crypto Working Group included the general counsel of a16z crypto and Delphi Ventures

According to the SEC's official website, panellists at the first roundtable of the SEC's cryptocurrency working group to be held on March 21 include: Miles Jennings, general counsel of a16z crypto; Sarah Brennan, general counsel of investment firm Delphi Ventures; Collins Belton, managing partner of law firm Brookwood PC; Chris Brummer, professor of fintech at Georgetown Law School; Lewis Cohen, co-chair of CahillNXT; Coy Garrison, partner at Steptoe; Teresa Goody Guillen, partner at BakerHostet...

2025-03-10 15:47:29

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